원서 번역하기3 3-8 금성인이 배운 것 WHAT THE VENUSIANS LEARNED금성인이 배운 것 The Venusians also found peace of mind when they finally understood that a Martian going into his cave was not a sign that he didn't love her as much.금성인들도 마침내 남자가 그녀를 사랑하지 않기 때문에 동굴에 가는 것이 아님을 이해했을 때, 평화를 찾을 수 있었습니다. They learned to be more accepting of him at these times because he was experiencing a lot of stress.그들은 그가 큰 스트레스를 느끼고 있기 때문에 그를 더 받아줘야 한다는 것을 배.. 2020. 7. 9. 3-5 대화를 통한 위안 찾기 FINDING RELIEF THROUGH TALKING대화를 통한 위안 찾기 When a woman is stressed she instinctively feels a need to talk about her feelings and all the possible problems that are associated with her feelings. When she begins talking she does not prioritize the significance of any problem. If she is upset, then she is upset about it all, big and small. She is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to.. 2020. 6. 28. 3-4 여자들은 동굴에 어떻게 반응하는가? Chapter.3-3HOW WOMEN REACT TO THE CAVE여자들은 동굴에 어떻게 반응하는가? When a man is stuck in his cave, he is powerless to give his partner the quality attention she deserves. It is hard for her to be accepting of him at these times because she doesn't know how stressed he is. If he were to come home and talk about all his problems, then she could be more compassionate. Instead he doesn't talk about his prob.. 2020. 6. 27. 이전 1 다음