연인을 위한 책2 3-6 여자가 대화를 원할 때 남자의 반응은?(2) Chapter.3-6 HOW MEN REACT WHEN WOMEN NEED TO TALK(2) 3-6 여자가 대화를 원할 때 남자의 반응은?(2) Men also become impatient when women talk about problems in great detail. A man mistakenly assumes that when a woman talks in great detail that all the details are necessary for him to find a solution to her problem. He struggles to find their relevance and becomes impatient. Again he doesn't realize that she is lo.. 2020. 6. 30. 2-3 금성에서의 삶 화성에서 온 남자 금성에서 온 여자 Chapter 2-3 LIFE ON VENUS 금성에서의 삶 Venusians have different values. They value love, communication, beauty, and relationships. They spend a lot of time supporting, helping, and nurturing one another. Their sense of self is defined through their feelings and the quality of their relationships. They experience fulfilment through sharing and relating. 금성인들의 가치관은 다릅니다. 그들은 사랑이나, 대.. 2020. 6. 15. 이전 1 다음